Welcome to the Hygge Yoga Newsletter! I’m so happy you’re here.

Thanks for dropping by, friends! Below is the who, what, where, when, and why behind the Hygge Yoga Newsletter (not exactly in that order😉.)

What: Hygge Yoga is my cozy little corner of the Internet where I chat about happiness, holistic health, and hygge each week. My goal with these weekly letters is to make holistic health cozy, not clinical. I truly believe little daily shifts can help us live and feel our best, and I look forward to exploring these with you!

You can subscribe for free by clicking this button, friends!❤️

And if you fancy my Ayurveda Concierge service (or just want to be an angel and support this space:-), you can become a monthly paid subscriber for the price of a chai. Anytime a holistic health question pops up, you’ll be able to email me, and I’ll use my Ayurvedic Health Counseling expertise to help you out!

Another bonus for being a paid subscriber? You’ll have access to all newsletters, one a month which is exclusively for paid members. You can grab your Ayurveda Concierge service subscription here:

Get 20% off forever

Who: Jess is the yogi behind Hygge Yoga. She has been practicing yoga for 20+ years, completed her YTT at Stanton Street Yoga in 2018 (and has been teaching in NYC and virtually ever since), and is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor. She truly believe this path of sharing holistic health is her dharma, and is so happy to bring it to you!

When: Fresh and cozy content drops in your inbox each Friday!

Where: The newsletter will be delivered straight to the email you subscribed with😊

Why: I truly believe the sister sciences of yoga + Ayurveda changed my life and am such a believer in the impact they will have on your life, too—both on and off the yoga mat. And because Hygge enhances everything in life—why not make health cozy?

Contact: If you have any questions, please email me at jess@hygge.yoga or respond directly to any Hygge Yoga newsletter (I’m a big believer in a timely response!) I’m on Instagram at @hygge.yoga. Look forward to connecting soon!💓

Subscribe to Hygge Yoga

making holistic health cozy—not clinical.


making holistic health cozy—not clinical.